Sunday, August 24, 2008

heh! short one.

piano exam is 65hours from now!
wait for my distinction people!
see ya!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

monthly rantings.

5 freaking huge pimples breaking out because of that stupid bloody once in a month, 12 times a year, 500 times a life time only-girls-gonna-suffer-thing! now u see me with pimples, later u see me screaming because of the monthly pain! bloody hell.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

dealing with feelings.

oh. finally.
guess spiders'd already form webs all around my blog tho.

sexy back. yup! =)

back to topic.
dealing with feelings. have u ever felt left out? well, not just those feeling left out because u cant join in the cliques, no body wants to play with u n those. i know Everyone feels left out by friends once in a while. but this time is not the same. mainly is about self-esteem i guess. have u ever found your self hide away from others just because ur not smart enuf, not pretty enuf, not out standing enuf, ur english wasnt good enuf to mix with them. yisssshh! hate that feeling. n yet, worse part, even the person ur closest with are not by urside. yuanteng felt left out, and the feeling was hurtful. wut else? i have to continue to smile...

i know my self-esteem wasnt that low. but its just that moment im feeling that way. i just cant think that im beautiful at that moment. keep beating myself up over my weaknesses, comparing myself to others. im wondering how could this happenned. to me. -.- the feelings were taking over me. i wonder why.

or this may be karma. lol
back in school, especially in primary..(high school oso got abit.. bit.. lah)
i always have my own cliques in school. n we can be very mean over some little small stuff!!! and quite hurtful in the way we treat other so-called friends who aren't in our cliques. Sometimes we just left out some friends because they look, act, or dress differently from us. and we just want to be popular and feel cool. -.- lol we always get the best treatment from teachers, or get the best room n activities in class trips. we just dun care about others. even the bench we used to sit on during recess is only for us. but wait.. before u get me wrong, let me get u right 1st. altho i have this kinda cliques but we are not those big bullies okie. we still treat other friends nicely. =) we still talk to them, invite them to parties n all that. and yea, i believe everyone are like that when their young right? we choose friends according who they are, but not what they did. lol so realistic!
okie, enuf of story time, thats schooling time tho.
believe me, im better now, just not perfect.
close to perfect, can?